· 70% of energy that supplies the capital city is from renewable sources.
· The pipes that carry geothermally heated water to Reykjavik are insulated so that only looses a few degrees on the journey.
· The pipe is raised and is on wheels to that it moves when there is an earthquake.
· The corners of the pipes are able to expand and constrict in the summer and winter.
· There is no McDonalds on Iceland.
· There is one main road that circles the island, route 1.
· Puffins spend the first five years of their lives out at sea; when they are sexually mature they come back to land to mate.
· Puffins mate for life, and return to the same nesting hole each breeding season to wait for their mate.
· Home to Europe’s largest glacier, Vatnajokull.
· Icelandic ponies are not vaccinated and are a ‘pure’ breed. To wear your own riding gear that has been in contact with other horses when riding the Icelandic ponies it has to have been washed in water hotter than forty degrees.
· Icelandic ponies have the ability to perform two extra gaits, the tolt and pace, usually used in showing.
· Sara is the most popular girls name in Iceland.
· After lambing in spring, the sheep are released into the wild until they are rounded up in the autumn. There are marks on their ears to tell who the sheep belong to.
· Iceland has a population of 300,000 people which is about the population of Leicester.
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